Home Crypto & Blockchain AstroPay Started Supporting Crypto

AstroPay Started Supporting Crypto

There are a few things you need to know here. AstroPay is one of the biggest and the most commonly used providers in the realm of online gambling. They can be seen at countless casinos. Now, they are supporting cryptocurrencies. Here we will discuss why this happens and why they added this feature.

What is AstroPay?

AstroPay is actually a payment service provider. It accepts and uses over 200 different payment options. It was founded in 2009 and today it is available across the world. CEO of the brand is Mikael Lijtenstein. This service provider is commonly used at online casinos. It helps operators accept fast and secure payments from their gamblers and therefore makes gambling easier and more appealing.

Rivals and Others

Don’t think that AstroPay is the only provider of this kind that does this. As a matter of fact, many providers that are commonly used in the gambling realm and online are now accepting virtual currencies. The best examples are PayPal and Visa. While PayPal is not that commonly used for gambling due to countless regulations and rules, Visa is. Most players use Visa to fund their accounts. Why you may wonder? All people have a Visa card and they can use it to any online casino and for any type of shopping online.

We believe that other providers will do the same thing. Cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more used. In the last year, casinos such as Jimmy Winner brand adopted cryptocurrencies and this list will grow. These are not some taboo topic that was common a while back. This is something that all people know about it and are familiar with it completely. As the result, we can see that more and more people will want to use virtual currencies. Providers will allow them this.

Research Before Implementation

As you know already AstroPay now accepts cryptocurrencies. Not all of them are available. At the moment users can use Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and also Cardano. The latter here is for the first time available via e-wallet in Latin America.

AstroPay states that they have been doing research for over 2 years. They discovered that cryptocurrencies are beneficial and important for gamblers and other people. You already know that these currencies are extremely popular. They have been gaining popularity for a long period of time and this trend is going to last indefinitely. Reasons for that are obvious but we will mention a few here.

The main reason for that is that gamblers want fast and free transactions. Using cryptocurrencies allows them to get this perk. These transactions take a few minutes only. This is the case with withdrawals. All deposits are instant, like with fiat currencies.

Secondly, we can see that gamblers prefer cryptocurrencies due to the fact they are extremely secure. There are no traces that a person used Bitcoin for instance to gamble. Players don’t have to share their details with others and they can deposit funds to any online casino or platform within seconds (that supports cryptocurrencies of course). All of this means that using virtual currencies is a safer and more desirable way to gamble online. It is just better and easier.

If you want to gamble using cryptocurrencies now you can use AstroPay for that. On the app and also on the official website you can use it to purchase or trade currencies. You can use your currencies to deposit at casinos as well. Don’t forget that Bitcoin reaches $68.000 value which is just amazing.

What Does This Mean To Gamblers?

It means two things. Now you can use AstroPay to get or purchase cryptocurrencies and to use these for gambling online. Most casinos will accept a deposit of this kind and you can make fast and secure transactions within seconds. This payment method is widely accepted nowadays and an important flag is that GamBan has added crypto sites to its database. It is a clear benefit that some players need and like. Virtual currencies have been commonly used by gamblers in the past. AstroPay is one of the most popular providers of this kind hence we can see an interesting set of possibilities.

The second thing here is that players will now be able to trade virtual currencies. They can do this via the app on a smartphone or on the official website. This is a simple process and you will need to know a few basics on how to do that. Will you lose or make a profit is a completely different thing. Nobody can tell when and will the price of virtual currency go up or down. As such, this is a risky thing to do. But, if you like the thrill and you like gambling, you can do it.

The Final Word

AstroPay now supports virtual currencies. The most notable are Litecoin and Bitcoin. You can use this provider to get cryptocurrencies, sell them, or trade these. Yes, you can use the same things to play at an online casino and win. We know that the trend is going to last and we can see many improvements in this technology and wider acceptance.

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Nikhil is an avid reader, technology enthusiast, web geek, and solo entrepreneur who loves making things on the Internet. He has been a tech blogger since before the word was invented, and will never log off.